Harapanku Layuuu :')
Hye Hey Hoii. Assalamualaikum. How are you readers ? Me ? I'm okay, but actually, deep in my heart, no one knows :) Keep smiling is the best way right ? I just get couple with a boy named MUHAMMAD IRSYAD AKID BIN JASMI, but only in 5 months, we are nothing now. He cheat me, he get a new girl name NUR AIN SYUHADA YUSRI, yeah, she pretty much than me. Dear, can you take care my ex properly ? Please don't hurt him. I know he love you Ain, he can leave me for you, me the one who knows him better than you. Pleassee, I don't know you love him or not, but everyone knows, me and him are not going together again. I hope you'll get your happiness AKID, yes, I'm letting you go, I know its veryyy damn hurting me, but, its all for you DEAR, Im ALWAYS LOVE YOU AND WAITING FOR YOU. Just get back with me as friend, and we both will happy with our new life right ? Yeah, its not easy, not even easy at all. Ugh, why you come nearer me when im trying to forget you ? Please, don'y do this to me. The LOVE toward you are growing up day by day. But, your way treat me, make my LOVE stop growing, and it even be smaller day by day. Please understand that this entry was for you. Only you MUHAMMAD IRSYAD AKID. ILOVEYOU, thats why, im letting you go, if you wanna leave me, go far away, don't text me or give me any hopes. I miss you DEAR, I miss your tease towards me, I miss the jokes, I miss your voice singing for me, I miss all about you DEAR. Just FORGET me, ILOVEYOU, oh, only god knows how much I love you. :')

Ugh, kenapa susah sangat ? Kenapa susah sangat Ira nak lupakan dia ? Tolong la, kalau benar dia bukan untuk Ira, pisahkan kami. Hentikan perasaan cinta Ira ni bercambah untuk dia. Ira dah tak sanggup tahan seksaan ni. Kenapa Ira terlalu sayangkan dia ? Kenapa susah sangat nak lepaskan dia ? Dia, orang yang pernah buat Ira gelak, ketawa, sekarang hanya mampu buat Ira menangis. Menangis melihat kemesraan dia dengan gf baru dia. Takpelah, dah tertulis MUHAMMAD IRSYAD AKID BIN JASMI bukan buat RADHIA SYAHIRA BT RAZALI. Hamba Allah yang langsung tidak punyai apa apa kelebihan. Maafkan Ira AKID, Ira kena pergi dari hidup AKID, lupakanlah Ira ye ? Terima kasih atas kenangan kita dulu, IRA RINDU AKID SANGAT, biar Allah jelah yang paham. Terima kasih SAYANG :')

Till here my entry. Dah lama kan Ira tak update ? Bila masa Ira couple tetiba dah break kann ? haha. takpelahh, maaf ye AKID, aku tak layak buat kau :) LoveYou :') Assalamualaikumm.

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