Form 6 life ?

Hi, so since I had promised in my previous post about updating my Form 6 life, I think i want to tell you guys about it. Form 6 ? A lot of people may smirk and even laugh when you choose to go into form 6. I actually have doubt about my decision on continuing my studies to form 6. Yeah, Im not sure about that, but i still went to the pendaftaran day and actually stay there. Its actually my dad's idea, he said that it was a back up in case i don't get to go to any universities. So i followed his idea. Form 6 life started before the upu results where you've been approved to enter any universities that you get. First week of form 6 ? Cool, nothing that makes me want to stay there. I mean, idk, i just not sure if i want to stay. Second week ? I still not sure about staying and I do hope to get into some local university. But somehow, i volunteered myself to help the teachers set up the equipment on the weekend. However, i sprained my leg playing 'lari dalam guni'. Trust me, its a funny story lol. I injured myself within first 2 hours coming to the field ! AND THIS IS WHERE IT BEGAN. A teacher came to the rescue ! Mr Subramaniam, a sport science teacher, happened to be the form 6 teacher but unfortunately he did not teach my class. Okay back to the story, he help me with my sprained leg, he helped me ! I swear Im so touched that time because all of my friends ((well not-so-closed-yet-friend)) left me lol. I told them that Im okay but i cannot move, and they went to have breakfast, which kinda broke my heart but whatever. Then after that Mr Subra saw me in pain and quickly asked a boy to take some oilment or something you know the spray one for the athlete when they get hurt ? Then he did the R.I.C.E, which is a bantuan awal using ice ? Ugh idk how to explain but he helped me get over my leg. Then i called my dad and we went to the clinic and Alhamdulillah, nothing cracked. hahaha.  Oh, how come this story began with this incident ? I actually felt like im home. I mean, I was at a place where people care for each other. Its so different from my high school ! So, i kinda fall in love with this school.

And, upu's result went out ! I managed to get to Politeknik Premier which i actually put at the last choice. And its not seriously the course that i want. So i let it go. And hope for the better. I stayed at my school, High School Batu Pahat. A year and a half. I consider it as a short time but so meaningful. I swear, the memories here couldn't beat my other school's experience. It just the best time of my life ! We managed a camp together, managed school sport and so many things. I tried a lot of new things such as debate, netball and not so new, bowling. I actually represent my school in these new things ! How amazing is that ? hahaha its so cool you know, trying new things. You don't know you actually can do it, but you just don't want to try ? Its a waste my friend, its a waste when you don't try when you have the chance. I really don't know how to play netball at first. AT ALL. But having a couch for that makes me better. At least, improvement. I was an active student there, kinda. I just love being there. I felt loved, cared and actually got some attention ? Those that make sense ? YES. It changes me a lot. From being too scared to try new things, i became the one that always want to try new things ! Well, i think this post is long enough. Thats all for this post, i may want to talk about form 6 again but im not sure though.

thanks for reading :)
(Don't mind my broken english)


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